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Writer: Havoc Underground Havoc Underground

We're excited to be back with another Band of the Week, and stoked to bring you Tightwire! We caught up with two members, Paul and Tane, of the Minneapolis based Punk band. Check out our interview with them below!

HU: First off, it's great to talk to you guys. Thanks for taking the time. For those who don’t know, who is Tightwire?

TW: Paul - Tightwire is three weird dudes making loud pop music. I played songs on acoustic guitar at house shows when people went outside to smoke. They had to listen to me. I met Tane and Parker from seeing their other bands play. We’re from Minneapolis.

HU: Where’d the name come from?

TW: Tane - We were originally called drones but apparently there's some band in the UK way cooler than us and Redscare thought it'd be a good idea to change the name. I was listening to the band Tiltwheel and Tightwire popped in my head for some reason. No one really liked it but it was the only name we thought of that wasn't already taken.

HU: Could you choose a favorite show you've played?

TW: Paul - We played with Dillinger Four and Off With Their Heads on a boat in NYC going around the Statue of Liberty. That was sick.

HU: We're big fans of your debut LP "Six Feet Deep", can you tell us more about that release?

TW: Paul - I wrote some songs. Tane wrote some songs. We recorded them in our basement and the amazing Matt Allison took our crappy sounding recordings and made them sound better. HUGE shout out to Matt Allison!!

Tightwire - Draggin' Me Music Video

HU: What's your favorite and least favorite thing about being a part of the Minneapolis punk scene?

TW: Tane - The Triple Rock and the Triple Rock

HU: Who is a band that you've met through playing shows that we should all be listening to right now?

TW: Tane - Heart to Gold, Niiice, Supportive Parents, The Brokedowns, The Copyrights, Pass Away, Pierre, Pegboy, Dark Thoughts, In Lieu, The Sidekicks, Unfun, Gateway District... Check out our playlist on Spotify. They're all there...

HU: How have you guys been handling the COVID-19 shutdown?

TW: Paul - It’s been rough on everyone. I went back to school for web/software development. Seems like a good time to do it...

Tane - Drinking, hiking, writing, video games, arting, working out... Keeping the mind as busy as possible helps but, at this point, I'd let you shove wood under my fingernails just to walk into a sweaty room with loud music and over-priced drinks.

Tightwire performing live

HU: If you could have Tightwire be direct support on tour for any band, who would it be?

TW: Paul - I’d like to open up for Otis Day & The Knights at that party in Animal House. That would be cool. Also, playing more shows with Pegboy would be cool.

HU: Do you guys have a favorite song to perform live? Is there a fan favorite live?

TW: Tane - Six Feet Deep is always a fun one for everybody. We usually play Told Ya, Out of It and Closing Time all together as one big song and that's fun too.

HU: Anything new coming up for Tightwire?

TW: Tane - We've been demoing a lot... It's probably safe to say you'll get something out of us in 2021.

HU: Thanks for taking the time guys!

TW: Thanks for having us!! Stay safe, everyone!

Tightwire - AYL (Music Video)


There you have it! Make sure to follow the band to see what else they have going on. You can stream their album "Six Feet Deep" below. If you dig it, buy that shit! We also have them featured on our Underground Punk playlist on Spotify.


Tightwire - Six Feet Deep (Spotify Stream)


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