Tatum Quinn’s latest release is a cross between angry femme proto-punk and angry femme Americana country. “You Lost Me” is Joan Jett and Pat Benatar multiplied by The Chicks. This track is a grade school slumber party basher - paint your nails black, chop and dye your own hair, maybe get a friend to pierce both lobes with a lighter-sterilized sewing needle.
It’s not just a “get over your ex” song, but a “what’s their name again, I forgot they even existed” song. So over it you can’t be bothered to waste a second thought on the whole ordeal. No remorse.
We added this track to our Underground Indie & Alternative playlist on Spotify. Spin “You Lost Me” for a big ego boost, then follow Tatum Quinn for more band updates.
Tatum Quinn - You Lost Me