For our newest Band of the Week, we are very stoked to bring you Keep Flying! This is a band that we've known of, and have been fans of, for years now. Check out our interview with them below!
HU: First off, it's great to talk to you guys. Thanks for taking the time. For those who don’t know, who is Keep Flying?
KF: We are a punk band from NY/NJ/PA. We got horns. 5 guys. A bunch of friends who help us out on the team to complete the KF POWERHOUSE.
HU: Where’d the name come from?
KF: Keep Flying is exactly what it is. What do you think when you hear keep flying? I think push on. Do that thing you want to do. Smile. Love your dream. You can also check out the sci-fi show “Firefly” for the other place it came from.
Keep Flying - Firesale (Official Video)
HU: You've been a part of some really impressive tours, do you have a favorite one?
KF: I’m going to go ahead and say that the full US 10 week tour we did with Homesafe, Kayak Jones, and Young Culture might be my favorite. It was the first time our band got out to the west coast. That being said, we got to do a run with RBF right before covid started, and that was legit wild and insane. Looking forward to opening up for more bands that want to take a shot on us.
HU: We love the two singles you've released this year, and we're really excited for your new album "Survival". Can you tell us more about that upcoming release?
KF: The record is about transparency. It’s a journey that starts in the dark and ends in the light. It’s the telling of a story that makes you want to get up and do something about it. We recorded this one again with Nik and Ace over at The Lumberyard in Hammonton NJ. John at Nada studios mixed and mastered this one! 8 tracks of KF. Simply put, the best record we have made yet. Smartpunk is once again releasing the physical vinyl with us which is super fun.

HU: Who is a band that you've met through playing shows that we should all be listening to right now?
KF: Nominee. That’s the band. They have a new record coming out as well. You’re going to want to pay attention to that.
HU: If you could have Keep Flying be direct support on tour for any band, who would it be?
Keep Flying - Late Reply (Official Video)
KF: Honestly, we truly hope we get the opportunity to open for Less Than Jake. If we could only pick one that would be the one.
HU: Do you guys have a favorite song to perform live? Is there a fan favorite live?
KF: I think everyone in the band has different songs they love, but collectively we all like playing Live Together Die Alone, and I think so do our people. That’s the one that always gets everyone singing together and piling on top of each other.
HU: Anything new coming up for Keep Flying?
KF: We have a lot planned for 2021. If we are allowed to tour next year you bet your ass we will be, but in the meantime we have some more music to work out and get out to you next year, as well as a bunch of really fun high end KF branded items that we know are going to make people laugh.

There you have it! Make sure to follow Keep Flying to stay on top of what they have going on. Their new album "Survival" will be out everywhere on December 18th, 2020. You can Pre-Order the album on Vinyl through the Smartpunk store HERE