Columbus, Ohio based band, You Me & Kyle, dropped their debut album earlier this year. Titles, They promised us there would be flying cars, this is an anthemic 8-track tide that boasts a unique blend of styles. Pulling from elements in the world of Indie Rock, Alternative, Pop Rock, and more, the band shines by delivering a refreshing yet nostalgic sound.
Each track comes fully equipped with poppy vocal flows over a well-produced and melodic instrumental. The overall songwriting has to be the major highlight of this album. That's where the blend of styles comes into play as well. You really never know what to expect with the next track, but each time you're happy you stuck around. We're not sure what they have planned next, but we can't wait to hear more!
If They promised us there would be flying cars is your introdcution to the band, as it was for us, then you're in luck. This album is a complete ride that's best enjoyed from start to finish. It feels so full, and that can be hard to achieve nowadays. The band had a vision and followed through. We look forward to see how they follow this.
You can jam along to the new album in its entirety below. We also added a couple of our personal favorite tracks to our Underground Indie & Alternative playlist on Spotify. If you like what you hear, make sure to follow You Me & Kyle so you can stay on top of what else they have going on. Enjoy!
You Me & Kyle - "They promised us there would be flying cars"